Dear Colleagues:
Congratulations go out to ODGers Micahel Furmston and Gregory
Tolhurst on the publication of
Privity of Contract (OUP,
2015) ( From
the website:
- the most comprehensive treatment of
the doctrine of privity of contract in English Law
- Comparative analysis with references
to cases and legislation from a number of Commonwealth
jurisdictions and the United States
- Written by two well-known contract
law scholars based at leading universities
This book, based on English law of contract, considers the
development and present state of the doctrine of Privity of
Contract with clear references to cases in other major common law
jurisdictions (Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Singapore).
The work opens with a history of development of the privity rule
and its place in English up to the enactment of the Contract
(Right of third parties) Act 1999. The books considers common law
and statutory exceptions in detail as well as major statutory
exceptions from other jurisdictions. There is also consideration
of the operation of the rule with regard to exemption clauses and
to impose liabilities and burden on non-parties. A large section
of the book considers the rights of a promise where the loss
suffered by reason of a breach of contract has been incurred by a
third party.
The final chapters consider the position under the Contract (Right
of third parties) Act 1999 and look at the international position,
considering work undertaken by UNIDROIT.
This book fills a gap for a more thorough examination of the law
of privity and is written by two well-known and experienced
authors on contract law.
Happy Reading,
Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
N6A 3K7
(519) 661-2111 x. 88435